Come support Family Strengths Network Saturday, Feb 8 from 10am to noon and have some fun at the same time. Children ages 1-6 will have a blast participating in fun, energetic activities. Family and friends lend their support to FSN by sponsoring your toddler.
A suggested sponsorship of $10 is requested to participate. Each child with $50 or more in sponsorship will receive an official event t-shirt! Payments can be made via cash, check (payable to FSN) or on the website. If this presents a hardship, please contact FSN for more information.
Don’t forget to bring your cold weather gear since some events will be held outside, weather permitting.
Registration deadline Feb 4th!
Fun events include:
•Slide & Tunnel Obstacle Courses
•Toy Car Races
•Sledding (snow permitting) or Relay Races
•Snowball Toss (snow permitting)
•Giant Bowling
•Mini Course for little guys
•Snacks will be provided for participants
Volunteers are needed!
Please email Lissie.Ham@lafsn.org if you are interested in being a volunteer.

February 8, 2020
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Venue: Family Strengths Network
Venue Phone: 505.662.4515