Infant and Child First Aid and CPR2021
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Important: This is a blending learning course. Blended learning is a combination of eLearning, in which a student completes part of the course in a self-directed manner online, followed by a hands-on session. The hands-on session is completed in person with Ruth Burns, an American Heart Association Instructor.
Hand-on session: Saturday, September 18th from 9am-12pm
eLearning course MUST be completed prior to in person session, NO EXCEPTIONS or REFUNDS
eLearning component costs $20, paid IN ADDITION to registration fee paid
Instructor bio: My name is Ruth Burns and I am a Home Visitor with the First Born Program of Los Alamos County. As an American Heart Association Basic Life Support Instructor, I am passionate about empowering parents and caregivers with confidence, and teaching skills they may need if they experience an emergency with their infant or child. I am a mom of two daughters aged 10 and 7 and in my spare time I am also a ski patroller at Pajarito in Los Alamos.
September 18, 2021
9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Venue: Family Strengths Network
Venue Phone: 505.662.4515