Children’s Safety WorkshopSept2019
Date: Saturdays, November 9 & 16, 2019
*must attend BOTH sessions*
Time: 9am - noon @ FSN
Cost: Free
Registration Required!
To be put on a waitlist call 505.662.4515 or email FSN
*** Children MUST be 1st grade-6th grade.
No exceptions!
6hr Children’s Safety Workshops:
• Practice listening to their intuition & stopping unwanted touch by using their voice & effective body language.
• Learn to deal with related issues like guilt, bribes, threats & how to keep telling an adult until they get help.
• Safety rules with strangers & physical self-defense techniques to stop abduction & get to safety.
• How to deal with in-the-moment bullying without engaging the person bullying.
Our approach children’s personal safety is similar to teaching children other safety skills, like how to cross the street or leave a building during a fire. It is not necessary to discuss details of being hit by a car to teach them to look both ways, or talk about the perils of a burning building to teach safe conduct. It is also not necessary to discuss details of molestation and abduction to learn boundary-setting and self-defense. The class answers questions children may have already. Education often lowers anxiety by providing a plan and teaching self-reliance.
From Resolve
November 9, 2019
9:00 am - 12:00 pm -
November 16, 2019
9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Venue: Family Strengths Network
Venue Phone: 505.662.4515