Campaign Details:
***Note that all of these call to action points can be done via email as well… simply email to ali.harper@lafsn.org or text 573.280.2412 to give us permission to share!
Wednesday, 3rd: we encourage you to use one of the 2 Facebook profile picture frames AND invite 10 friends to the Facebook event at https://www.facebook.com/events/268733174277085/. Reach out for instructions to add the frame, if you need!
Thursday, 4th: storytelling – we encourage you all to share stories of your experiences at FSN on your own social media profiles, or through email, with a link to our event *above* use the hashtag #thisismyFSN and tag FSN so we can share! Consider even sharing your positive experiences with the local papers – we want everyone to know what FSN has done for you and your family.
Friday, 5th: County Building Rally – meet at Mari Mac (Old Smith’s) parking lot to assemble at 3:15 to roll out by 3:30 to roll through the county building parking lot with decorated cars, signs, and noisemakers to show support for FSN and to show the county how much support we have. We will be streaming this live and sharing pictures.
Saturday, 6th: Rally From Home – make window, sidewalk chalk, or yard art to show your support for FSN in your neighborhood! Get the whole family involved and be creative, but respect public spaces of course! Take a picture of your creations and post to social media with the hashtag #thisismyFSN and tag FSN so we can share! Or email to above.
Sunday, 7th: share your (s)milestones – some kids had their first steps, or their first taste of cake (or glue – lol), or maybe you as a parent had an epiphany in a parenting class, or made a best friend… we want to hear what impact FSN has had in your memories. Send a pic or a video, or post to your own social media account with the hashtag #thisismyFSN & tag FSN so we can share and celebrate with you!
Monday, 8th: Share your family’s support via Public Comment for the Los Alamos County Council Session, tomorrow June 9th. Please do this even if you have supported FSN through public comment recently i.e. the Budget Hearing, etc. FSN will share separate guidelines on public comment in an upcoming post. Use this email lacmanager@lacnm.us and put “Public Comment” in the Subject line. Body of email should include name and address.
Tuesday, 9th: we just want to see your families and their smiling faces – we love & miss seeing you all! Share your pics via email, on social media with hashtag #thisismyFSN and tag FSN.